Our Leaders
Western welcomes and seeks diverse representation in its lay leadership. All persons are invited to participate fully, regardless of age, disability, economic or social circumstance, gender, marital status, race or sexual orientation.
If you would like to get in touch with any of our Elders, Deacons, or Committees, please email us at info@westernpresbyterian.org.
The Session
Western is governed by the Session, made up of elders who are elected and installed to serve the church for 3-year terms. The Session guides and directs the ministry of Western and makes most spiritual and financial decisions for the church.
Elders, through their demonstrated leadership and maturity of faith, are chosen to represent Western's diverse needs. Elders are responsible for nurturing the faith and life of the congregation.
*Denotes officers serving a second term
Class of 2026
Susie Farr
Greta Morris *
Anna Zelinsky
Class of 2024
Ari Brose
Paul Fiddick *
Kathy Hawk
Becky Koenig *
Rev. David Ensign, Moderator
Becky Koenig, Clerk of Session
Class of 2025
Dave Escobar
Ray Kim *
Amy Lenander *
The Deacons
Deacons help the congregation celebrate joys – baptisms, holidays, and promote church fellowship - and support us in times of need. It is the duty of deacons, first and foremost, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, the friendless, and to any who may be in distress.
At Western, the Deacons are also charged with providing hospitality in the broadest sense, working to care for, minister to, and nurture our church family.
Deacons, like elders, are elected and installed by the congregation to serve 3-year terms.
*Denotes officers serving a second term
Class of 2026
John Caswell
Catherine Mwaniki
Sherry Trafford
Class of 2024
Lauren Amos
Terry Condon
Carol Petrie
Rachel Williams
Rev. David Ensign, Moderator
Class of 2025
Betsy Carter
Asia Perazich
Nicole Wallace
Other Committee Leaders
In addition to our elected church officers, other members lead church ministry teams to manage many of the logistical and leadership challenges that make worship and ministry at Western possible. They are:
Paul Fiddick, Treasurer
Nominating Ministry
Officers are nominated by committee and elected by the congregation. To suggest someone for nomination, including yourself, please contact a member of the Nominating ministry:
Joan Bissell, Ben Evans, Kate Lynn