What We Believe
Presbyterianism is "reformed and always reforming." Presbyterians are open to change and new ideas as our surprising, steadfast God puts them before us. Therefore, while Presbyterians used to limit ordination to men, oppose the scientific theory of evolution, and believe in predestination, we no longer do so. We try to rectify our past failures to understand God's Word and to stay open to God's new revelations in the present.
In the Presbyterian church, each individual person is given great authority. Each one is asked to read and interpret Scripture under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This leads to a healthy diversity of opinion within our church.
However, we also have shared beliefs. We believe that:
God is good and continually working for good in history.
Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God's being and will.
Scripture contains the Word of God. Humans are created good.
When we are not good, God forgives the contrite.
The church is a place where we come together to discern the will of God, grow spiritually, and work for justice and peace.
All persons are invited to participate fully in ministry, regardless of age, disability, economic or social circumstance, gender, marital status, race or sexual orientation.
Here at Western, we have adopted the following core values:
Connecting with God Western is committed to personal spiritual growth. We value a lively, joyful and deep faith. We have a strong emphasis on the role of worship in connecting and re-connecting with God.
Connecting with Ourselves Some people are alienated from God because they are alienated from themselves. They have low self-esteem or other personal issues. Western supports our members as we all move toward personal wholeness.
Connecting with Neighbors Western is nationally known for a social justice and mission orientation. Through large and small mission projects, we value connecting our members with those in need of help in the community, city, nation and world.
Connecting with the Environment Western values a corporate lifestyle that is friendly to and protective of the environment. We encourage our members to do the same.
Connecting with Students Western values our more than 150 year old relationship with college students in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood. The college years are times when we make important decisions about the future. We interject the Good News into that decision-making.
Connecting through Questions Many of our members have come to Western with no or an alienating experience of organized religion. As we grow together into a new and renewed faith, we value questions as the path to answers. No question is dismissed as heretical or foolish.