RCAN - New Request in Assistance Program

Here's the latest from Theo.

Dear RCAN Representative,

I hope you enjoyed good Holidays and that 2022 is off to a good start. On behalf of everyone associated with RCAN, I want to thank you for all of your help last year and, in particular, the various contributions that we received in response to our appeal to help the families of PDS clients at Christmas. As you may recall, PDS identified seven families (almost all of them headed by single moms) who needed a range of assistance for themselves and their children. Some families needed help with overdue utility bills, others needed food, one young man needed boots to wear for a new job and almost all needed help getting clothes and gifts for their children. I am very pleased to report that we were able to meet every single need that was listed for the seven families and that those who requested Christmas gifts were able to have them by December 25. All total, 20 children from those seven families received clothes, toys, games and other gifts as a result of the help from RCAN contributions. Of course, this is only a portion of the many PDS clients we helped in 2021 and we will be sending you a full report soon on all of the assistance we were able to offer.

A few days ago we received a request to help a woman who was formerly incarcerated and is in need of assistance as she gets settled in an apartment that has been secured for her. RCAN has helped her with some gift cards for food and clothes, but she needs additional assistance. Here is the information about her from PDS:

· Ms. TB is a 73 year old woman who was released under the compassionate release program a few months ago. She was released, in part, because she has a number of significant health issues. Her PDS attorney and social worker have been successful in getting her moved into permanent supportive house in December. She is very excited about her new apartment, but has no family support and exists on a very meager SSI monthly income so does not have the money needed for household items. She needs curtains, dishes, pots, linen, bath towels and other similar items. How You Can Help: You can donate any of the household items that are described which you have and do not need or purchase some of those items for Ms. TB.

If you have items to donate, please respond and Madalena Aspiras (info@thereentrynetwork.org) will follow up with you. We want to collect the items over the next week or two and then deliver them to Ms. TB. Let us know if you have questions and thank you for anything you can do to assist her.

All the best,

Theo Brown
Returning Citizens Assistance Network


Annual Report - 2021


A Word from Laura: In-Person Worship