A Word from Laura: Ash Wednesday Preparation

Each year, Lent is a time when we are invited to commit to renewal in our lives and in our world. Our liturgical calendar, regardless of whether we worship in person or virtually, begins with Ash Wednesday. 

Ash Wednesday at Western has always been different from Sunday worship. A small group, mostly from the Foggy Bottom community, gathers for scripture reading, prayer, a few hymns and the imposition of ashes. 

Last year we continued the tradition begun with Rev. John Molina-Moore of observing Ash Wednesday with our Presbyterian kindred from Northminster. This year, their current pastor Dr. Gay Byron contacted me to see if we might be interested in continuing this tradition. I was glad she asked and that Western’s session concurred. 

This year will be different, though, as we worship on Zoom, during the evening, with a virtual choir, and figure out how to make our own ashes. The first three aspects – Zoom/evening/choir – you may register for the link or find it in our weekly email. 

The last – making your own ashes – is an opportunity to consider the deeper nature of confession. I invite you to gather some notepaper, a pen, a candle and an empty can or jelly jar and to spend a few minutes writing down some of what you feel led to confess. These instructions will walk you further towards writing your prayer; know that confession is simply speaking the truth of who you are or some aspect of our world before God. (I say “simply,” but that doesn’t mean it’s easy!) 

Once you have some written prayers, you’re invited to light them on fire using your candle, and then to extinguish them in your container. 

If you have children or young people at home, this can be a powerful way to pray together. Even a 3-year-old can draw a picture of something they are sorry for, or something that made them sad. (Yes, and please don’t let your children burn their prayers on their own! This is a good opportunity to talk about how God is like fire – beautiful, bringing light and warmth, but not something to be played with!) 

Bring your ashy prayers and join us for worship on Wednesday when we worship together with Presby-kin. And may the peace of Christ be with you throughout Lent,



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Session Notes