A Word From David

Life Together

During Lent we’re gathering a group to read Bonhoeffer’s Life Together. This short book is an extended essay on life in community based on Bonhoeffer’s time leading the underground seminary at Finkenwalde in the mid-30s.

We will begin on Sunday, March 16, and continue Sundays through Palm Sunday (April 13). 

The first Sunday we will watch the one-hour documentary, Cloud of Witnesses, that details the significance of Bonhoeffer’s time in Harlem in 1930-31. 

With that critical lens, we will dive into the book on March 23. Life Together is available at Bookshop.org.

We’re extending this invitation to our friends at Church of the Pilgrims, and if we are going to be joined by any Pilgrims we’ll push our start time on Sunday’s back to 1:00 to give them time to get here. If it’s just a Western crew, we’ll begin as soon as folks move upstairs from coffee time. We’ll gather in Room 216 upstairs, and welcome Zoom participation.


A Word From David


A Word From David