A Word form Laura: What does the cross mean to you?


What does the cross of Christ mean to you?  When was the last time anyone – a friend, a relative, a colleague, a stranger – asked you about the cross, about how it shapes your life and faith?  How did, or would you, answer?

I tend not to talk as much about the cross as some pastor, with the recent exception of John Molina Moore’s sermon recommending that we not focus on it.  Yet in the scripture passage for this Sunday in Luke, Jesus is disconcerting in his clarity:  “Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple."

Even if our cross is not of literal wood, we still need to ask ourselves what this means for us.

At this time of year when we return to routines, when calendars seem extra-packed, whether you’re in school or on the Hill or in any number of places around the Beltway, it’s an important question.  How will we make sure that we are not only thinking about what the cross means, but picking it up and carrying it ourselves?

Don’t miss this Sunday!  I look forward to gathering together as we celebrate the return of the choir and a new season of life at Western.

Grace and peace,


Session Notes - September 2019


Welcome Guest Musician - Crossley Hawn