A Word from Laura: “Love your enemies."


“Oh, that’s easy,” said no one, ever.

Three short words from Jesus, followed by “pray for those who abuse you,” in the sixth chapter of Luke’s gospel.

In an era when so many identify themselves according to whom they hate, these are words we need desperately, yet practicing them remains elusive.  They remind me of G.K. Chesterson’s saying, “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”

Or the words have been distorted to encourage tyrannical submission, or return to an abuser, and so rejected.

Yet many faiths have found deeper truth and a source of hope in learning to love enemies.

This Sunday, we’ll consider Christ’s call to love enemies and work for forgiveness, asking how in the world it’s possible.  Come and worship and stay afterwards for conversation with our Plaza Task Force and church architect Bill Spack about next steps for Western’s front plaza.

See you soon,



A Word from Laura: A Change in Perspective


Session Notes - February 2019