A Word from Laura: Summer Updates



I had thought this summer would be focused on finding our quiet center here at Western, although I’ve realized the Spirit is currently moving in some ways that either aren’t so quiet or shouldn’t be.  Here are three things you should know:

  1. On August 26, we welcome our new Director of Music Ministry, Dr. Allan Laino.  A member of the choral and conducting faculty at Catholic University, he comes to us from St. Michael Poplar Spring Church in Maryland.  Read more about Allan.
  2. Our New Orleans mission team has been posting regular reports in the form of short videos of pictures and seven word stories.  Click here for a glimpse of their mission experience.
  3. Our session will meet on July 31 to discern next steps for keeping the Virginia Avenue plaza space hospitable, healthy and clean.  Hear more from last week’s sermon.

These three items may not be the “quiet center” themselves, but as we embrace God at work in our music ministry, our youth in mission, and discernment of our call to share hospitality, we can experience the same Spirit beyond us that lives deep within each of us.

Blessings for your summer, wherever the Spirit both moving around you and stirring deep inside,



Meet Dr. Allan Laino, New Director of Music Ministry


A Word from John: “…This doesn’t feel very 'Presbyterian'"