A Word from Laura: Western Worship Your Way!


As we’ve continued along this journey into new things with worship, if you’re like me, you’ve noticed that Zoom can start to feel old pretty fast! Especially if you’ve been in front of your computer all week. Or you’re trying to get a four-year-old (or forty-four year old!) to sit still.

Worshiping in front of a screen can feel very un-worshipful, no matter how you try. We’re working on things from the church end, but in that process encourage you to try some things on your end, so that worshiping the God of heaven and earth doesn’t feel like the same Zoom calls you’ve been on during the rest of the week. Here are some of my favorite tips from the church staff and others:

1)      Worship your way – Dial in on your phone, and take the service to the space you already find most worshipful – somewhere in nature, in your favorite chair, wherever you already feel most at peace. And do it on your own time, or go back to a recording with this link.

2)      Walk your worship – Sort of like #1, but add your ear buds and take a walk, especially if you live near the river or a trail, and the thermometer reads below 85 degrees.

3)      Podcast your worship – Subscribe to Western’s podcasts, or go straight to them with this link. And listen to worship when you wake up, or when you’re going to sleep, or even as you’re cooling down after your exercise.

4)      Worship like no one is watching – Enjoy knowing that no one else (or only those you live with) can hear you singing or praying. Sing your heart out. Pray however you feel led. Talk back to the screen when you disagree – or shout an “Amen!” when you like what you hear. Have fun remembering that others are singing, whose voices you can’t hear. And give thanks you don’t have to hear Pastor Laura’s “creative alto” parts (with gratitude for the choir sopranos who sit behind her without complaint when we’re all together).

5)      Wonder “where in the world is worship?” – Take your worship with you on vacation, if you’re able to get out of town. Give thanks for the members of your worshiping community in Tennessee, Michigan, Maine or Alaska.

6)      Lighten up on worship – No, don’t do it less, but light a candle or place some flowers, bring an image or your favorite cup of coffee – whatever puts your mind and heart at ease and reminds you of God bringing love and justice to you and to our world.

7)      Share your worship – If you’re on Facebook, host a watch party, and invite friends from Western and all over to discuss what you’ve experienced.

Recognizing all the things that we miss about the way we used to worship – most of all, worshiping as a community – what in our current format helps you connect worship to the rest of your life? To what happens in the world every day? To God’s Spirit at work in ways you might never have seen before?

And please let me know what happens when you worship your way! I would love to hear from you, in my email inbox or on facebook or otherwise.

“See you” in worship,


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