A Word From David


To describe the current moment as a turbulent time in the United States barely does justice to the anxiety many around the country feel in these final days before the election. It’s easy to create worst-case scenarios in our minds, and imagine the catastrophe that awaits an outcome that we oppose.

But catastrophizing helps nothing. It won’t change the outcome of Tuesday’s elections, and it won’t make you feel any better today.

What will?

Breathing! Seriously. Pause. Take a moment. Breathe in deeply. Go outside if you can. Take a moment and listen for the birdsong. Look around at autumn putting on a spectacular show, and take in the beauty all around us. 

All of it is a gift, and none of it is anxious about the election.

Breathing. Pausing. Listening. Watching. None of this is escapism. All of it is fundamental to the project that lies before us after next Tuesday regardless of the outcome. 

Remember what Howard Thurman said about the work of Christmas that arises after the song of the angels stills? That work remains after Tuesday:

To find the lost 

To heal the broken 

To feed the hungry

To release the prisoner

To rebuild the nations

To bring peace among others

To make music in the heart. 

Listen, for just a moment, for the music of your own heart. Be still, and know that God’s grace is for all of time, and for such a time as this.

PS: don’t forget to vote!

PPS: don’t forget to turn back your clocks this weekend!


A Word From David


A Word From David