A Word from Irene: Back to Church Joy

Joy bounded across the plaza from smiling face to smiling face for our Back to Church Picnic last Sunday. Sixty-six people revelled in gathering on a perfect fall day and hailed each other with “I’m so glad to see you in the flesh again!” “It’s been way too long!” “It’s wonderful to meet someone new.” The half dozen children – and even a family pet – made everyone smile even more broadly.

A round of applause to the adult choir and Patrick Merrill for adding lively, harmonious music to our lunch time together. A huge thank you to our deacon picnic sponsors – Gregg Pitman, Carol Petrie, Terry Condon, Ari Brose, Bill Rappolt, Alec Resurreccion, Laura Wilcox, Camila Hodgen, Bill Saint, and Jason Linde.

All worship goers wore masks to sat at a safe distance, and we will continue these practices for the foreseeable future. To be a welcoming and safe church for everyone, we assume you are vaccinated but won’t ask. Ushers will offer you a mask if you forget yours and hand sanitizer is available. We want to love our neighbors as ourselves. Please temper your reunion excitement with prudence, because the pandemic is not over.

The deacons also invite you to attend our traditional Miriam’s Kitchen Day on Sunday, November 21st and to bring someone with you. For each worshipper that day, the deacons will donate $20 to MK’s “More Than a Meal” fundraising plan, Champions of Equity, a fund for helping address oppressive systems that cause homelessness and disproportionately affect people of color, especially Black people. #MoreThanAMeal 2021 - Campaign (miriamskitchen.org). We invite you to match the deacons’ $20 donation with one of your own.

50 worshippers = Deacon Gift of $1000
75 worshippers = Deacon Gift of $1500

We also welcome to the worship altar any gift selected from the Miriam Kitchen wish list here: https://donate.miriamskitchen.org/campaign/miriams-kitchen-community-wishlist/c320570

In advance, thank you for your generosity. Helping the least of these among us is part of our Christian DNA, and in so being, we find complete joy.

Joyous Irene
Rev. Irene Vinyard Bennett


A Word from Laura: Interconnection


Session Notes: November