A Word from Laura: God-in-Community

I’m so excited about the prospect of getting to see more of you in-person this Sunday, I can barely write this email. I am still committed to not hugging people, so if you’re here on Sunday, I won’t hug you, but my friends, even for this pastor who has never been a hugger, it’s going to be hard!

As I mentioned last Sunday, it’s time for us to commit to being together in-person again. Even though twenty months ago I was asking you to connect on-line, it’s time for us to discover God’s Spirit at work in a gathered community once again. While we’ll continue to livestream our worship, you won’t experience God-in-community fully if you’re at home in your pj’s or listening while you walk – although if this is what is available to you, by all means, join on-line as you are able!

This Sunday we’ll celebrate All Saints’ Sunday. It’s the day we give thanks for God-in-community that transcends life as we know it. The theological term is “communion of the saints”- the divine interconnectedness we experience through faith. You’re invited to bring the names of loved ones, heroes and sheroes, church friends and others who have gone on to their new life beyond this one. I’ll lift up those names during our communion prayer, as a reminder of their eternal presence with us.

Come ready to stay for lunch afterwards, a time of connecting with friends old and new. The deacons have arranged for boxed lunches to be shared outdoors following worship. We’ll have some live music and chances to find out more about what has happened with folks since March 2020. Make sure you have your jacket or an extra sweater, as we’ll all be outdoors.

And a few other tips, remembering that in this season of being church, we’re all newcomers! Come wearing your mask, and please keep it on for everything but eating – even singing and greeting friends indoors! Since we’ll all be a little rusty with names – and it’s hard to recognize folks with masks! – we wear name tags! I also encourage you to introduce yourself to our new choral section leaders and interim music director. You’re also encouraged to bring your (silent) cell phone; you’ll be able to use it for our announcements and offering. We’ll use what one of my friends calls the “Happy Meal” version of communion – small cups with wafers on top. And our hymns are included in the bulletin. Families with children, I know many of you are keeping your children at home until they are vaccinated. If you feel comfortable, I hope you’ll come following the worship service for the meal outdoors.

I’m reminded that for as many reasons as you all have chosen to come to Western originally, you stayed for the community. My predecessor John Wimberly was reminding me of long-time members the Shinns who were pillars of the community when he got here; so many of you have mentioned them when you share your Western story. In this next season of our church’s life, we’re going to be rebuilding our community. I hope that future generations will be sharing your names when they tell why they stayed.

Giving thanks for each of you and hoping to see you soon,


Session Notes: November


A Word from Laura: Halloween