Opportunities for Antiracism Engagement
Join the Antiracism Team’s monthly meetings for information, programs and activities to increase our shared understanding. We gather for the sake of changing ourselves and our society, believing this work is vital and that silence only furthers the legacy of racism.
October 17, 10am – 3pm: National Capital Presbytery Racial Awareness and Mindfulness Festival; learn more and register here for this free day-long event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/racial-awareness-and-mindfulness-festival-2020-tickets-107113216514
Racial Awareness and Mindfulness 2020: A Virtual Festival of the Arts, Awareness, Healing, and Justice intends to help people of goodwill reflect on the reality of racism in our society and our world in many forms, through rhythm, blues, keynotes, and practical exposure through experiential workshops with both African-American and white caucuses, as well as multiracial spaces, opening our awareness of privilege and supremacy, and their systemic effects, hopefully opening us for healing centuries of unresolved trauma.
October 23-25: Crossroads Anti-racism Training at Montreat Conference Center (virtual participation available): What’s Essential: Discerning the Church’s Work Amid the Twin Pandemics of Structural Racism & COVID-19; learn more and register here: https://montreat.org/events/crossroads20
Our goal is to provide participants with capacity-building tools and resources to work for antiracist transformation in their churches and institutions. Participants will finish this anti-racism training with concrete action steps for their congregations and local communities.
November 5, 7pm – Western Presbyterian Anti-Racism Team: Friends Peace Teams will pilot the virtual edition of a workshop, facilitated by Rev. Dr. Leslianne Braunstein: “Toward Right Relations with Native Americans.” Participation is limited; please RSVP in response to the CCB (Church Community Builder) invitation.
Dr. Braunstein (former interim pastor at Western) and the Friends Peace Team will help participants learn about the ongoing consequences of genocide and forced assimilation of Native peoples, and consider ways to support healing in Native American communities. The program promotes education, reflection, dialogue and action in response to the query: What would right relationship among Native and non-Native peoples of North America look like?
December 3, 7pm -- Western Presbyterian Anti-Racism Team: Jennifer Druliner will lead discussion of multiracial congregations and the lessons learned from the multiracial church movement that started in the early 2000s, prompted by this article: https://www.npr.org/2020/07/17/891600067/multiracial-congregations-may-not-bridge-racial-divide. What are the implications for predominantly White churches today that are interested in antiracism and racial justice? Email Susie Farr at susanfarr05@gmail.com for the Zoom link.