A Word from Laura: Changing While Moving

      You’ve heard people talk about change happening in the midst of keeping an organization going.

      “We’re changing tires while driving… we’re building a plane in mid-air.” I wouldn’t wish for either of these in real life, yet it’s happening here at Western. And it’s inspiring to be pastor.

      As more people are vaccinated, as the mayor opens up other businesses in light of CDC guidelines, as Miriam’s Kitchen prepares to serve from the dining room after bathroom renovations are complete this fall, Western’s leadership is preparing for hybrid worship and the next transitional phase.

      In their discussion of outcomes for our next phase of worship, beyond the safety and health of all involved, the session emphasized accessibility for all with consideration of those without internet, expanding the human diversity our reach, and using digital worship to cast our light to the world, so that we might grow our ministry. The hybrid worship team (Greta Morris, Ari Brose, Jack Hume, Jason Linde, Alec Resurreccion, Allan Laino and myself) is working with a time line to ensure minimum requirements for digital technology and potential upgrades to the sanctuary’s sound system.

      Both of these groups will meet in the beginning of June, when we plan on sharing more information regarding our time line. We anticipate a transitional phase of in-person worship this summer (trying out the new “tires”!), with a festive celebration and welcome back to the building for the congregation and community after Labor Day.

      In this process, we need your participation! The session has committed to fundraising to support technological upgrades, and you will hear more from the Stewardship Ministry Team in June. The Hybrid Worship Team will be looking for technology and in-person hosts to help guide participants through both worship experiences. We’ll also need volunteers in the nursery, leaders for discussion groups, and those with a gift for banners/bulletin boards/signs/making our halls look welcoming.

      Most of Western’s staff are already working on new roles, anticipating what is coming next: Allan is honing his skills on Open Broadcasting Software (OBS). Shenella is learning to update our website. Sterling is coordinating building use so that the church will be able to use the courtyard again beginning in July. Nancy continues to manage our financial operations and is able to much of it from home. And Irene continues to share tidbits from what’s happening in churches all over the world!

      In all of this, I continue to give thanks for the opportunity to serve in the midst of the new thing God is doing in our midst. This past year I celebrated my sixth anniversary with you. If you had told me six years ago what ministry this past year would be like, I wouldn’t have believed it. But knowing you all, experiencing your leaders’ energy for changing-tires-on-a moving-vehicle ministry, I have to say “What a ride!”

Thanks be to God,


A Word from Laura: Abide No Hatred


A Word from Laura: Calling Pentecost People!