Session Notes - March 2022

Your Session sat, by Zoom, for its regular monthly meeting this week. We conducted our usual church business (discussed in a moment), but our attention was fixed on a reality that has become obvious – the transition from online to in-person worship is challenging! As Pastor Laura said, “we’re traveling off the map.” 

Currently, more than half of those worshipping with us on Sunday attend virtually. Can we continue to sustain our community like this? It doesn’t seem, as they say, like a sustainable model. Building back our in-person worship participation is imperative. 

There’s some good news. In recent weeks we’ve seen a welcome stream of new visitors (and one baptism!). You can expect to see an emphasis on hospitality in the months ahead. 

In other business, we heard reports from our ministry teams, which have all been active. Notably, we accepted the Finance Ministry’s recommendation to change our investment fund portfolio manager to a women and minority-owned enterprise.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading.


Children’s Ministry Team: Update to Families


A Word from Laura: Tiny Prayer