A Word from Irene: Show Me God!

Missourians come from the Show Me State, whose residents were caricatured as slow and dim-witted. The label implied they had to be shown things before they could understand them.

Most people think the same way about the disciple called the Twin, or in English, Doubting Thomas. He believed that only precise, visible proof would convince him that the crucified Jesus lived. And he was right. When he saw the Risen Christ for himself, he believed. He became a permanent illustration of the ancient proverb, “Seeing is believing.”

Perception and belief are inextricably linked, but is seeing the only avenue to believing?

Fortunately, over one hundred years ago, a prominent Missourian turned the Show Me pejorative into a clever label (It’s a funny story. Google it!) Ever since they’ve proudly claimed the label, Show Me, as meaning, “We are so smart and alert that you can’t fool us!” Similarly, Jesus turned Thomas’ conviction of seeing is believing on its head when he said, “Happy are people who believe without seeing.” With that, Jesus spoke for every person since who believes in Jesus completely without seeing the physical presence of the Risen Christ.

How then do we perceive Jesus without seeing him? How can we believe? What about our doubts? I propose that doubt is a wonderful starting point for looking at the historical Jesus and the Risen Christ. Western welcomes people who question and doubt, because to doubt is to turn toward God, saying, “Show me, God!”

God always answers the prayer of such an alert, inquiring mind – whether from Missouri or not!

Rev. Irene Vinyard Bennett


Words from I-ACT: Vision and Conversation


A Word from Laura: This Side of Resurrection