Welcome to Nik Yazdi
January 17, 2024
Dear Friends,
I am happy to introduce you to Nik Yazdi, who is our new Operations Director as
of 1.18.24!
Nik is a multi-talented man, with an impressive background. He will be in our
office five days a week taking care of electronic and printed communications,
ordering supplies, answering the phone and doors, keeping the calendar, and eager
to assist the various committees, the Session, the Deacons, and me in doing our
By night, Nik is pursuing his Professional Doctorate degree in Statecraft and
National Security at Institute of World Politics. He received his M.A. in
International Security from George Mason University in January 2023. He was
born in Iran; has traveled a lot and settled moving to the DMV. His wife is an
accomplished economist and banker; together they love traveling to different
countries and learn about different cultures.
Please sit down with him over a cup of tea or coffee if you are in the office, visit
with him over the phone, and welcome him by email or text. You will find him
engaging and eager to be of help.
I want to thank Ray Kim and Kathy Hawk from the Human and Property
Resources Committee, Nancy Kiefer, our Bookkeeper, Dave Escobar from the
Stewardship and Finance Committee, and the Session for their work in bringing
Nik on board.
Grace and peace,