A Word from Dean: Advent
Dear Western Members,
As we finish eating the Thanksgiving leftovers and begin to haul out the Christmas decorations, I want to share the plans for the seasons of Advent and Christmastide that begin on Sunday, December 3rd. Advent is the beginning of the church’s liturgical calendar, when we anticipate with excitement the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a time for each of us to focus on our relationship with him, and his will for our lives and for his church. To help in doing just that, included in this letter is an Advent Calendar with daily scripture lessons. Let’s use those readings as a way to focus on the “reason for the season.”
And, of course, the Session and I hope that you will be attending the worship services outlined on the enclosed calendar. Our time together in praise strengthens our unity as the Body of Christ and each individual’s personal walk of faith. We miss you if you are not present with us!
Finally, let me express how glad I am to be your “Bridge Pastor” for the next few months. I have a deep affection for Western, and admiration for its ministry. I joyfully anticipate our Advent and Christmastide celebrations together.
Grace and peace,
The Rev. Dr. Dean McDonald,
Bridge Pastor