A Word from Laura: Experiment in Community

Experiment in Community.png

I’m excited to see Western in-person once again this month! Many thanks to all of you who helped make this possible through your gift towards hybrid worship.

As one of my friends shares about those returning to his church, “we all feel like newcomers!” Not everyone will return in August – and some will remain on-line indefinitely; however you worship, Western welcomes you!

If you’re in person a few more things may feel different:

• Our space – We’ll have video set up in the sanctuary, for one. For the time being, we will only occupy the sanctuary and the narthex (and adjoining restrooms) in our building. Children may play, supervised, in the Courtyard, and you may enter the building through the garage and come up through the elevator.

• A time of experimenting – As we shared last week, we’re still working out the technology, as well as passing the peace, joys and concerns, offering, and bulletins. It’s the same gospel of living into love and justice, but working out new formatting!

• Masked and socially distant – We’ll continue to observe these as guidelines. Masks will make it more difficult to connect with each other. We won’t be shaking hands or bumping fists or sitting on the steps with the pastor.

• Children in worship – Western’s families will each decide what is best for them in terms of attendance. After an August break, Sunday School will resume on-line at 9:30 in September. Parents who bring children may keep them close in worship or ensure supervised activity in our courtyard; children will not come forward for the Time with Children. We may be hearing more sounds from the youngest among us in worship! Let’s celebrate the diversity in age and energy of those who make those sounds!

• Community connection – Sometimes it’s hard to recognize even an old friend behind their mask! We’ll wear name tags and invite all to stay for five minutes following worship for a breakout group, whether you are online or in-person. While we won’t have a formal Hospitality time, we encourage you to connect with friends old and new outside on the plaza.

I look forward to finding out more about how the Spirit is at work in this hybrid time! How will you connect or re-connect? How will the change happening all around us change – not the gospel – but our experience of it?

May we continue to grow in our courage as a community living into God’s love and justice,



Session Notes


What to Expect in August