Session Notes -October 12

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Your Session sat, by Zoom, for its regular monthly meeting this week. 

Church has always meant community – gathering together.  As Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”    The pandemic temporarily put a halt to in-person gathering. But after many months of making do virtually, things are finally changing. 

There’s a lot going on at Western now, all of it directed at gathering our flock and growing our community. 

Patrick Merrill has started as our new interim director of music and tech ministry (essentially what Allan was doing).  You’ve seen and heard Patrick the past couple of weeks in worship.  Here’s good news – there are plans for our chancel choir to come together and sing again in person soon. 

It’s stewardship season and this year’s theme is engagement in ministry.  Watch for a series of events coming up to engage us in service and giving opportunities. 

We also commissioned our Intercultural and Antiracism Change Team (IACT).  Stay tuned for more on this group and their transformative work. 

That’s all for this month. Thanks for reading.


A Word from Laura: Come and see…


A Word from Laura: Community