A Word from Laura: Come and see…

Over a year ago, I invited you to consider how on-line worship might work for you. It’s now time to think about how to re-grow our community through in-person worship.  

When Jesus was building his first community of disciples, he would invite them to “Come and see…” In that spirit and in The Spirit, I invite you to come on Sunday mornings – come and see- and so much more! 

Come and worship. Feel God’s presence in the energy of our gathered community, singing, praying, hearing God’s Word and sharing the sacraments together.  

Come and join a crowd or a small group. On November 7, we’ll have our fall picnic on the plaza, with prepared box lunches for everyone. (If you have children we hope you’ll feel safe outdoors!) On November 14, contemporary bible study begins, lasting for the next several weeks. And if you want to start a small group, we can make space available for that, too. 

Come and sing in the choir or the congregation – or both! Patrick Merrill plans on making our anthem music available to anyone interested in singing, and in the beginning, our choir will be leading from the pews. All will still be wearing masks while singing, choir members will need to confirm vaccination. [join Patrick after church on Sunday in the sanctuary to rehearse the anthem for 10/31].

Come and meet friends old or new. Meet for brunch after worship – and see if someone else in worship would like to join you. Make plans to walk along the river or check out the REACH outdoors at the Kennedy Center. 

Come and serve neighbors inside and outside the building. You may want to share lunches with our neighbors at the encampment across Virginia Avenue (contact Becky Koenig) or you may want to be part of worship leadership as a liturgist, usher, greeter or storyteller (contact Terry Condon to be a liturgist or Greta Morris for other roles). 

What are your ideas these days? What is God calling you to come and see or come and do? How is God calling to come and be part of this community, rooted in Christ, growing at 24th and G Streets?  

May you come and see and discover God’s call to you,


A Word from Laura: Halloween


Session Notes -October 12