Session Notes

As vaccinations increase and society gradually reopens, we know that more changes are coming.  At some point, we will resume communal worship in our sanctuary and restart some activities in person.  We don’t know when this will be, but the time for planning and preparation is now.


Among other plans, we reviewed a report on the technology that will be necessary to produce a hybrid online and in-person worship service.  Our ministry teams – Campus, Finance, Intercultural and Mission -- have all been active this spring.  Although we don’t see it, there’s a lot going on at church (just not in the church).


We hope you didn’t miss the news that we received four new members last Sunday. 


It’s appropriate that it’s Easter season.  Not to overwork the metaphor, but last year was like time in the tomb for individuals and institutions alike.  This year promises rebirth…and a changed world.


That’s all for now.  Thanks for reading. 


What can we do?


A Word from Laura: Still Showing Up