A Word from Laura: What’s Your Name Story

Greetings, Western Family! Thanks to all of you who participated in the annual congregational meeting last week. It was one of those meetings where we did more listening to a smaller group of people talk than sharing – an easier format for a large group on Zoom. 

This week, though, we’re going to practice the unity in community a little differently! Deacons, the intercultural group, and others have been talking about how we grow our connections as a community – even more challenging given that we are worshiping using Zoom and still not able to meet together in person. 

Following worship and communion on Sunday, I encourage you to turn your camera on and get ready to connect with a small group of three or four other people in a short breakout group for a few minutes, depending on the number of participants. I’ll give you some prompts, but you’ll be invited to introduce yourself, letting the others know how you like to be addressed, what pronouns you use, and the story of your name. (Were you named for someone? Does your name have a meaning? How did you get your name?) 

Introducing yourself seems a small thing, right? But it’s a key building block for our community, as we learn new ways to deepen our connections to each other and to grow the trust that leads to the transformation God has in store for us this year – whether it’s the change required of us to do racial justice or to welcome newcomers or to figure out how to be a worshiping community in virtual spaces. I don’t want to oversell the experience, but it might just be fun to connect with folks you haven’t talked to in a while – or ever! 

I also hope that all who are interested will join in the Free Inquiry class following the small group conversations. We’ll be looking at our Presbyterian confessions through the lens of antiracism.  

In the meantime, blessings for your weekend, and I look forward to swapping some name stories on Sunday!



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An Introduction to the 2021 Annual Meeting