A Contemporary Bible Study: Feb 21 - Mar 28

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Lent of Liberation: Confronting the Legacy of
American Slavery

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Western will use this resource from PC(USA) publisher Westminster John Knox Press for reading and study. Author Cheri L. Mills shares portions of the narratives of formerly enslaved individuals in conversation with biblical passages as a basis for a Lenten journey that refuses to deny the truth of lived experiences.  We recognize that for many of us these stories are not of our own ancestors, but that, in the words of Yvette Carnell, cofounder of #ADOS (American Descendants of Slavery, a grass-roots reparation movement), “There can be no peace without justice, but there can be no justice without truth.”

To purchase a copy of the text in print or on Kindle, click the links above.  (If you would like to participate using a church-ordered copy, please notify the church office, info@westernpresbyterian.org)

Join us on Sundays following worship during Lent for discussion led by Rev. Irene Bennett.

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“Lent is a time for personal reflection as we march toward Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. The forty days of Lent are to remind us of the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and praying, practicing self-denial to commit himself fully to the will of God. This time was a prelude to his great Galilean ministry, in which he would say “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Matt. 16:24). . . . Lent is a time of denial, but not denial of the truth—the spirit of Lent must lead us to confront the legacy of American Slavery head-on if we are to overcome the centuries of White privilege at Black expense.”

—­Cheri L. Mills, Lent of Liberation, p. xiii


Session Notes


A Word from Laura: What’s Your Name Story