Free Inquiry Transition Meeting: Sunday after worship
There are changes afoot at the Free Inquiry class, our regular adult education program.

Worship Update
Many thanks to those who have already contributed to our efforts to update the sanctuary and technology for Hybrid worship! Any gift makes a big difference. If you have not given already, click here to give on-line.
We hope you’ll join us in-person for at least one “Start-up Sunday” beginning August 8 until Labor Day.

Hybrid Worship Updates
Our journey continues into what lies next for worship at Western! During the month of July, we’re raising the funds to support tech upgrades. To find out more about this effort and how you can be a part, click here.
Beginning Sunday, August 8 and running through the month of August, our 10 am worship will begin our test run of hybrid mode. To quote another pastor, “Especially at first, we’ll all feel like newcomers.”
Yes, it will still be Western’s worship, but with some differences in how we do things, in recognition that our faith community will join in our sanctuary and on-line.

MK Gala 2021 Celebration: Mission Critical
The Western Presbyterian community is invited to attend the FREE virtual Miriam’s Kitchen 2021 Gala celebration: Mission Critical.