Hybrid Worship Updates
Our journey continues into what lies next for worship at Western! During the month of July, we’re raising the funds to support tech upgrades. To find out more about this effort and how you can be a part, click here.
Beginning Sunday, August 8 and running through the month of August, our 10 am worship will begin our test run of hybrid mode. To quote another pastor, “Especially at first, we’ll all feel like newcomers.”
Yes, it will still be Western’s worship, but with some differences in how we do things, in recognition that our faith community will join in our sanctuary and on-line.
We’re working to ensure that everyone is worshiping from the same screen and can hear the same words and music, whether you’re in the sanctuary or on-line.
While we hope everyone will be vaccinated, we’ll wear masks for the sake of welcoming everyone, vaccinated or not. We hope children will attend in person, but at least through Labor Day, they will remain with their grown-ups during worship.
After Labor Day we’re planning for a big, celebratory “We’re Back!” kind of Sunday – a time to celebrate with our larger community and invite all of Foggy Bottom! We’re waiting until then to move forward with Sunday School, a nursery, adult programs and hospitality after worship.
Next week, you’ll have the option to RSVP to let us know your plans for our test-run Sundays in August!
In the meantime, we covet your prayers and enthusiasm as we continue on our journey to what’s next!
The Hybrid Worship Team
Ari Brose
Jack Hume
Allan Laiño, Staff
Jason Linde
Alec Resurreccion
Greta Morris, Chair
Laura Cunningham, Pastor
PS – Your gift helps make hybrid worship a reality! Click here to give $250, $125, $50, $25 or whatever you can afford, and scroll down for “Hybrid Worship Upgrades.”