A Word from Laura: More Light Sunday

“And God will delight when we are creators of justice and joy, compassion and peace…” 

The words of the hymn ring in my mind, long after I previewed the hymn video we’ll use as we sing together in worship this Sunday. 

I hope you’ll join our on-line community as we celebrate our connection with More Light Presbyterians. We’ll hear a sermon from Rev. Annanda Barclay, former co-chair of the board of MLP, who currently pastors Mission Bay Community Church in San Francisco.  

As part of Western’s community, know that you’re part of a church with a legacy of commitment to the full inclusion of all God’s children who identify as LGBTQIA+. Whether working to change ordination standards, gathering a group for Pride festivals or supporting Casa Ruby, a community whose mission is “to create success life stories among transgender, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals,” More Light commitments are part of who we are.

As we look to the next phase of our life together, where we’re all learning new ways of being church, how will our More Light identity continue to shape us? How might God be shedding new light, as we come to embrace new colors on the rainbow flag? And how will you be a part? Come join us for worship!


Hybrid Worship Updates


A Word from Laura: Days of the Most Light