Yes, And…

Western Friends,

In the world of improv comedy, there’s an exercise called “Yes, and…” The idea behind this exercise is that you take whatever situation is given and build upon it…

“I’m digging a hole…”  Yes, and I’ve got some seeds to plant…

“We only have a little food in the bag…”  Yes, and let’s make a picnic out of it…

In this uncertain time, the challenge is that the world keeps handing us realities to which we would rather say, “No, but…” Whether in response to climate crises or reaction to breakthrough covid cases, we have plenty of legitimate reasons to say, “No, but it shouldn’t be this way!”

And now, at Western, Allan Laiño has been offered an expanded role with the National Children’s Chorus. I really want to say, “No, but this can’t be possible!” Working with Allan has been a joy. I love hearing how he brings forth such beautiful sounds from our choir and soloists. I’ve given thanks for the spirit of creativity, experimentation and dedication he has brought to the last year and a half of planning and implementing digital and now hybrid worship.

And I know this calls for “Yes, and…” Yes, and we are excited for the new opportunities for Allan. Yes, and we will miss him. Yes, and the next few weeks will be a time for us to seek interims in two positions: one for music and one for tech.

Yes, and we give thanks for your faithful ministry over the last three years, Allan. You will go with our blessings,


Allan’s last Sunday at Western will be September 12. To read the letter from Allan, please click here.


A Word from Laura: This Could Be Our Future


Free Inquiry Transition Meeting: Sunday after worship