A Word from Laura: Celebrating Tom Beveridge


Dear Friends,As we enter into the final months of Tom Beveridge’s service as Director of Music here at Western, we have quite a legacy of choral music to celebrate!   You will hear more shortly about our celebration on June 17 – I hope you’ll mark your calendar – but in the meantime I want to let you know about his special request.It’s the custom at Western to give a love offering from the congregation in honor of someone who is leaving or retiring.  Tom has a different idea, however, and one the session has chosen to honor.  Instead of a love offering that goes to him personally, Tom has asked that we have an offering to fund special music and musicians this year.  His generous idea means that we all get to share in his gift!Many of you heard Bill Neil on the organ this past Sunday; he’ll be with us again this Sunday.  You also may have noticed a few more new faces in the choir, and we’ll have some other special guests throughout the summer.  Tom’s special offering goes straight to the music budget to make this possible, and also makes the first step towards ensuring a legacy for music ministry yet to come.I hope you’ll join me in supporting this gift, as we share our gratitude and joy for the ways Tom has shared his musical gifts and leadership with Western.  You may click here to give on our church’s website, designating your gift for "Special Music", or you may write a check to the church, earmarking it for Tom’s gift.  We hope to have a total so that we might share it with Tom when we celebrate on June 17.Grace and peace, with thanksgiving for Tom and his ministry,Laura


A Word from Laura: Hear James Forman, Jr.


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