*Support Asylum Seekers from Central America


You might have heard about a caravan of folks who are traveling from Central America, through Mexico, seeking asylum in the United States. (And if you haven't heard about the caravan, check out this great explainer!) Many of those on the caravan are specifically fleeing violence in Honduras. While this caravan has been operating informally since 2010, this year it has drawn broader attention, including Fox News and President Trump.Militia groups, minutemen, and other varieties of white supremacists are threatening violence against the caravan online -- and are seeking to turn those online threats into offline reality. Trump has also deployed the National Guard to the border -- further militarizing that area in order to harass, intimidate, and threaten those who are seeking refuge here.Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) has been in contact with folks on the ground in Mexico with the caravan and is asking Sanctuary-DMV members to join them in supporting the caravan's journey in a variety of ways.If you're interested in supporting those seeking asylum, there are many ways to do so -- from helping out financially to serving as a sponsor for an individual or a family. Simply go to https://tinyurl.com/caravansupport to learn more about how you can make a difference.


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