A Word from Laura: From Thanksgiving to Advent

How do you celebrate Thanksgiving and get ready for Adventat the same time?

The short answer is to come to Western on Sunday!

Last Sunday that meant celebrating 25 years in thisbuilding, hosting Miriam’s Kitchen as a way of practicing our religiousfreedom.  One of you commented, “Thisfelt like Thanksgiving Day to me!”  I’dadd giving thanks for all who made that day special: John Wimberly, Susie Farr,and Jack Hume; those who represented MK staff, volunteers and guests; all whoshared reminiscences; and especially to our deacons and those who made ourlunch possible.

This Sunday, the first in Advent, begins a sermon series,“Looking for the Messiah.”  What newreality was born in the stable long ago, and what does it have to do with ourtime? What kinds of people, places and things are we looking for to save usfrom this world’s darkness or chaos, and how do they show us Christ being borntoday – or not?

On December 1 I also hope you’ll be part of our Adventfestival after worship.  Wear a redsweater to give thanks for the gift of kindness and to support Miriam’sKitchen’s “Be My Neighbor” campaign. Bring toiletries to fill a bag for our homeless neighbors to be sharedat the Vigil for Homelessness on December 20. Make an ornament, decorate a cookie, or simply share a favoriteChristmas memory over a cup of coffee.

Until Sunday, one other way to give thanks and get ready forAdvent: Without resorting to cliché, I invite you to remember the gift of eachday. May you find a moment to stop, breathe, and feel gratitude for lifeitself.  And may you discover

Grace and peace,



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Donations needed for vigil tote bags