A Word from Laura: Getting Angry with God


No one has ever accused me of being part of an angry mob.  Public demonstration or peaceful protest?  Yes.  But “mob” mentality?  Never, at least, not until this month.  For me, the words coming from the administration are not so much about my political affiliation, but about the values shaped by my faith, especially women’s rights and social justice.

I will continue to reject mob mentality and behavior, but I identify with the angry part.  Despite growing up in a culture that discouraged any display of anger in women, I have come to value appropriate anger.  When we look deeply at our faith tradition, we can discover that some kinds of anger and being angry are even a spiritual gift.

This week’s lectionary passages are from the books of Job and Hebrews.  We’ll hear from Job as he shows us a “bitter complaint” against God, and listen as the author of Hebrews encourages us to be bold.  And then consider how we can get angry with God – both as the object and as the partner – of our anger.

No, you don’t have to be angry forever, and yes, sometimes it’s wholly inappropriate, but if you’ve found anger near the surface of your own life, I hope you’ll join us on Sunday as we consider when it might be holy and appropriate.

Grace and peace,



People For Fairness Coalition


A Word from Laura: Being on God's Side