People For Fairness Coalition


Did you know that the People For Fairness Coalition (PFFC) was started in 2008 in Miriam’s Kitchen dining room right here in Western Presbyterian Church?  Ever since, this group of MK guests, former guests, and concerned citizens has been fighting and advocating for the right to housing and for homeless people living in poverty.

They are working on several initiatives you can support:

  • Sunday, October 14 - Sign petition after worship: There are only two 24/7 public bathroom facilities in DC, both located at national memorials!  To address the unmet need for public toilets, the PFFC launched the Downtown DC Public Restroom Initiative in 2017.  In April of that year four DC Councilmen introduced the Public Restroom Facilities Installation & Promotion Act of 2017.  That bill will be going before the Council Committee of the Whole before the end of this year.  We at WPC know that availability of restrooms for our guests from MK is a high priority need and for others who may be restroom challenged due to age or health issues. PFFC has petitions for DC residents to sign to show their support for this bill.  The Mission Team will have these petitions available for DC residents to sign during hospitality hour on Sunday, October 14.  For more information on the Public Restroom Initiative of PFFC go here and here.
  • Sunday, October 28 - Hear more from PFFC in worship
  • December 21 - Vigil for the Homeless at Luther Place Memorial Church: PFFC organizes the annual Vigil for the Homeless that honors and memorializes individuals who have died on the streets of DC.  The Vigil is always held on the shortest day of the year (the solstice), is sponsored by the National Coalition on Homelessness, and occurs in cities across the US.  This year the Vigil will occur on December 21 at Luther Place Memorial Church.  Rev. Dr. Laura Cunningham will be a participant in the service and members of the congregation are invited to attend and walk with others after the service to Freedom Plaza, where many will stay overnight to bear witness to the hardship of living on the street.  Stay tuned for additional information as it is available.  In the meantime, mark your calendar.

Session Notes - October 2018


A Word from Laura: Getting Angry with God