Session Notes - October 2018


As Session and the Deacons broke bread together on Tuesday, Laura and John proposed a journey Western could embark on to become a more fully inclusive and intercultural church. We would follow a model laid out by Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis and Rev. John Janka.

The first step: Forming a vision team -- 8-10 elders, deacons, and congregation members --  that would grow together as a community through sharing stories, listening to the congregation, and identifying cultural norms. The team would work together to craft a vision for what radical welcome would look like at Western and then take it out to other parts of the church.

That vision for becoming an intercultural church would become the drumbeat and DNA for life here at Western.

Session members and Deacons were excited by the idea. But we know the process won't work without the strong and faithful involvement of the congregation. Be on the lookout for more information soon!


Stewardship 2018: Generosity and Commitment


People For Fairness Coalition