A Word from Laura - Liberal

It’s a word I tend not to use, mostly because I think people have already made up their minds about what “liberal” means, and whether they identify with it. In certain circles it’s used with a sneer, although those circles tend not to overlap with Western church folks in my experience.

I’ve also known political liberals who are fundamentalist in their ideology: if you don’t line up the way they do on issues, they would just as soon you hop on the first bus to… well, you can imagine.

When we talk about liberal theology, “liberal” means something different. The best liberal theology values an open mind and an open heart and is willing to admit “I could be wrong.” Grounded in our Reformed/Presbyterian tradition, liberal theology assumes that God continues to open our minds and hearts throughout our lives, shaping our consciences within the fabric of society.

This Sunday I’m honored to talk with one of my favorite liberal theologians, our own Western member David Little. David has written a liberal Christian credo - use this link - in response to the crisis of the right-wing ideology of religious nationalism. This Sunday in worship, I look forward to talking more with him about the credo, specifically the first two paragraphs, in terms of theology and the faith we share at Western.

Regardless of how you feel about the word “liberal,” if you receive our email, it means you probably get excited about a faith that opens minds and hearts. Join us for the conversation during worship and a discussion afterwards during Free Inquiry. Please share the worship link with friends and family you think may be interested, too!

Towards an open-hearted, open-minded faith,


Session Notes: February 2022


A Liberal Christian Credo by David Little