A Word from Laura: Stewardship

By now you should have seen the stewardship mailing – words and pictures to help you understand how your giving to Western makes our mission and ministry possible, If you have already made your pledge, thank you!

Our stewardship letter is different from all the others you receive requesting support because giving to church is different. While other non-profits may be eligible for funding from outside sources like foundations or government grants, churches depend on the financial support of those who attend, who love our ministry and mission.  As your Session gets ready to approve the 2020 budget in December, which depends on our church family’s financial commitments, they want to know your commitment.

This means that in a little over a week, on November 17, we hope to dedicate our pledges in worship.  As with every year, we hope for 100% participation of members and friends.

Why this shift in timing?

Western Church has the gift of funds, provided as part of the sale of the previous building, intended to support the mission and ministry of the church.  In the years leading up to my arrival as pastor, operating expenses, particularly support of staff salaries and care for the building, outpaced annual giving to the point that we now depend on our investment funds to support almost 50% of our operating budget. 

A task force led by Jen Druliner, Ari Brose, Duncan Smith and Ray Sendejas has been working to understand and recommend how the income from these funds might remain a sustainable source of income while furthering our mission and ministry. As they prepare to report to the Session next week, the Session anticipates that responsible use of our investment funds is linked to your giving.  Wanting to be as supportive as possible of staff and programs, mission and maintenance of our facility, the Session knows they need to be as discerning as possible. Your timely pledge reflects your commitment to supporting faithful decision-making with our church’s resources.

In a time of dwindling participation in faith communities, Western remains engaged in faith. We have a faithful and committed congregation, but our giving has not been able to support some of our favorite programs in the church. Our ministry with children, our connections with the least of these, and our Christian faith that grows in anti-racist and inter-faith values reflect your faith commitment.  Over the next week, please hold your pledge to Western and our shared ministry at 24th and G Streets in your thoughts and prayers, and may you come to experience the joy that comes with faithful giving.



If you're ready to make a pledge, and also set up or update your online giving, click below:

Pledges can also be fulfilled by check.


A Word from Laura: In the Neighborhood


A Word from Laura: Healing and Wholeness on All Saints' Day