A Word from Laura: What's Next?



I’m looking forward to our potluck picnic on Sunday, and to sharing the “tastes of home” that you prepare.

As we near the end of June, thanks also goes to those who helped organize and lead each of the sessions in the Engage Faith tracks.  Given that this is a new thing for us, and that we tried it at a time when things are usually a little slower, we had amazing success!  Whether you measure that in the 25 people who showed up to become trained to accompany others to ICE check-ins, or the visitor who had never heard of Howard Thurman but walked away with a new understanding of the spirituality behind the civil rights movement, or the ability of our awesome deacons to do some in-the-moment organizing,  we were engaging our faith in new and exciting ways.

As we look to this fall and to possible new directions, I’ve heard some feedback about what to do and what not to do. I’ve talked with folks about what to offer and how much at one time, whether or not we keep the worship time at 10, how that would affect the choir and families with children, and how we’ll be able to welcome newcomers.  Whatever happens, if it doesn’t work for significant numbers of people, it means it’s not a good idea!

We need your input as we consider what happens on Sunday mornings at Western!  This Sunday we’ll have a survey following worship.  Instead of being simply, “What did you think about Engage Faith?” or “What time would you come to worship?”, the survey will begin with what is most important to you in terms of our church's cultural values. We hope that whatever happens this fall will help us to better live out what is most important to us as a congregation.

Knowing that a significant number of you will be away this weekend, we’ll also send the survey out electronically next week.  Please be on the lookout; your response is crucial to the good decisions of your leadership, who meet next on July 9.

In the meantime, may you be blessed with some cool winds of the Spirit over these next hot days.

Grateful to be serving alongside you and looking forward to what is to come,



A Word from Laura: What do you value most?


Engage: Missions - Kate