A Word from Laura: What do you value most?



Blessings to you, with prayers for our nation, as we find ourselves on the eve of the 4th of July.

Here at Western we’ve reached the end of our month of “Engage Faith.”  Your leadership is getting ready to plan for this fall, and we need your help.  We believe Sunday mornings are crucial to our life together.  Sunday mornings aren’t just the time that church has happened in our culture, but given the diversity of locales and schedules of folks who come from all over the DMV and beyond, and given the realities of traffic and life in our area, Sundays are still the best times for us to gather to grow and engage our faith. 

We need your help and input as we plan.  We are considering moving worship to 10 am so that following the service, we have more time for opportunities to connect and grow together.  We also want to make sure that our planning reflects what is most important to you about your experience of church – both the logistics and the values involved.  We want what happens on Sunday mornings here at Western to be worth your investment of time and faith as well as something you’ll invite others to join!

While you are hopefully enjoying some down time over the holiday, please take a few minutes and complete this survey.  It should take no longer than ten minutes.  We will also have paper copies available on Sunday.  Responses are anonymous, and we hope you’ll share the link with everyone in your house you want to respond.

The more who respond, the more helpful our data will be!  Please respond by Sunday, July 7, given that our session and deacons will meet on July 9.

In the meantime, as our nation gives thanks for the liberty and justice that we hold dear, may we continue seek that time when liberty and justice are real for all God’s children.  I give thanks to be serving alongside you in this community of faith, where we discover God at work through us on the journey,



Building Update: Sanctuary HVAC


A Word from Laura: What's Next?