A Word from the Border



As our hearts continue to break with news of immigrants detained and families separated at the border, PC(USA) mission co-worker at Frontera de Cristo, Rev. Mark Adams, is coming to DC on behalf of the Southern Border Communities Coalition, which represents more than sixty organization working to improve life for those on the border. (Click here for more information about their New Border Vision to  protect human rights, and welcome people to our border in a manner consistent with our values and global best practices.)

Mark is also a fantastic preacher.  He will preach and lead us in worship on July 14, when I hope you’ll make an effort to be here and invite friends who want to hear more.  We’ll also welcome his wife and partner in mission, Miriam Maldonado Escobar and their children Anna and Nathan.  Click on the links for more information about Mark and Miriam, the life-changing work of Frontera de Cristo, or the organization behind the coffee we drink every Sunday, Café Justo.

If for some reason you can’t make it to worship on July 14 but still want to hear from Mark, you’re welcome to join a group gathering at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Arlington at 3 pm that afternoon.

In the meantime, may we continue to seek justice and to welcome the immigrants residing among us,



A Word from Phil: "Surely God is on Our Side"


Building Update: Sanctuary HVAC