A Word from Phil: "Surely God is on Our Side"


When Christians disagree, whose side is God on? In today’sworld words are spoken that are not loving. Actions are taken that are not justor compassionate and we are on opposite sides about choosing who speaks andacts for us.  

I still remember two scenes from the 1962 movie TheLongest Day, about D-Day. In the first scene a German officer, standing ina fortified defensive structure looking out over the English Channel at all theships approaching, says, “Gott ist auf unserer Seite,” or “Surely God ison our side.” Shortly thereafter is a second scene of an Allied General lookingover the carnage taking place on Normandy beach. He too says, “Surely God is onour side.”

Every Sunday morning in worship, we pray to our sovereignGod, believing God rules over all. Yet we also pray the Lord’s Prayer and say,“Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” as if Goddoes not rule over all yet. What does “Your kingdom come” mean? Let’sconsider this question together in worship this Sunday.


Justice Choir - Postponed


A Word from the Border