A Word from Irene: Advent, The Christmas Calm App

My friend is pregnant! Oh, the joy of expectancy shared, and the joyful memory buttons pushed!

I remember a trip to visit friends expecting their first child, who like many first children, came early. Then suddenly the child died. Expectancy and joy turned to indescribable grief. However, time, talk, and tears changed their grieving into hope for another child. They hoped this child would be perfect and live a long life, so they named her New Song, because they said, “In our despair, God has given us a new song.” God filled their spirits with blessings so great that they named their next child Fullness, saying, “We have now experienced the fullness of God’s blessing.”

Theirs is the lesson of Advent. Amid loss, despair, poverty, injustice, fear, and mourning, we all long for and expect something new, Someone New, for help, relief, mercy, justice, or rescue. Most people expect God to provide salvation. God did, and God does.

The Advent Season is a kind of Christian Calm App to help us stop, pay attention to our breathing, and feel the joyful anticipation of the first-century mothers-to-be, Mary and Elizabeth. It helps us remember our expectancies of joy, and it encourages us to imagine new joy for ourselves and others who come to know the Christ through Jesus of Nazareth.

Our Advent Bible Study, Traveling with Our Ancestors (Nov 28-Dec 19), can help build such expectant joy. Remembering our spiritual ancestors inspires us to ask, who do I influence spiritually or what is my spiritual legacy for my descendants? Decorating the Courtyard Christmas Tree Dec 5th and lighting the worship candles of hope, peace, joy, and love, help enthusiasm grow for celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Twelve Days of Christmas Joy, the Epiphany, and all of 2022.

“Download” your Christmas Calm App now by taking part in our community Advent Season on site or online. “Touch” your spiritual home button, Western Presbyterian, to connect.

Joyous Irene
Reverend Irene Vinyard Bennett


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