Stewardship Update: “Giving thanks for your generosity!"

Our Western community can celebrate! We have received 72 pledges so far from our congregation for a total of $399,042. We are indeed blessed!! Our goal was to increase pledges this year by $20,000; we surpassed that goal by increasing pledges by almost $35,000. We joyfully thank all who helped make this possible! 

Each year, every single pledge commitment is important. We are grateful to the 45% of those who increased their pledges this year and excited to have 9 first-time pledgers!  

Your shared commitment moves us closer to financial sustainability for the sake of Western’s vital mission and ministry, building us into a “courageous community living into God’s love and justice.” Every dollar committed goes directly into our program budget for ministry and mission. 

Your pledge is even more important as a sign of your personal commitment to building and sustaining our community of faith. In making a pledge, you affirm that “we are all in this together,” invested in the community that continues to grow out of the corner of 24th and G Streets, no matter where you happen to live or be. 

If you have not yet made your pledge, you can pledge online at (scroll down to the "Make a Pledge" button). You may also send a confidential email to our business manager, Nancy Kiefer at  

Your very merry Stewardship team,
Ari Brose, Jerry Hoganson, Becky Koenig


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