Engage Faith!


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Sundays, June 9, 16, and 23

Western Presbyterian Church is holding a three week series engaging in conversation and action around three “tracks” or themes.

Join worship at 10am. Then grab a cup of coffee and head to a track for the 11 am hour.

Intercultural Faith

Exploring the life and work of Howard Thurman, pioneer in intercultural ministry and mentor to Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • June 9 & 16: Viewing and discussing the documentary Backs Against the Wall
  • June 23: Discussion led by Rev. Dr. Paul Smith, a Civil Rights Veteran, Minister, Educator, Author, Diversity Role Model, who worked with MLK and Howard Thurman



Encountering Christ in the hungry, the stranger, and those in prison through Western's mission opportunities.

Christian Brooks

  • June 9 - Hunger: Conversation on SNAP and food justice led by Christian Brooks from the PCUSA Office of Public Witness

  • June 16 - Stranger: Sanctuary DMV will be leading training volunteers interested in accompanying migrants to ICE check-ins or immigration court appointments. Training runs 11:30-1:30pm with a light lunch beforehand. RSVP

  • June 23 - Prisoner: Experience a Free Minds Book Club Write Night - reading and offering feedback on poetry written by men who are incarcerated.

Spiritual Growth

Discovering who we are and who we are becoming, individually and together, in Christ.


Options for kids!

  • Children and Youth: Join an all ages collaborative art project.  
  • Childcare is also available in the nursery.

RSVP to let us know what track you’re interested in!


A Word from Laura: Communion with the World


Session Notes - September 2019