A Word from Laura: Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm, from the Greek roots en (within) + theos (God), meaning “God within”

In this time of re-entry into the world, I’ve witnessed folks rediscovering enthusiasm. Sure, re-entry may mean wearing something other than sweatpants, but it’s also the opportunity for the ways God has been at work in us to connect with God at work in others.

It’s been exciting to sense enthusiasm at Western:

  • In the leadership retreat last week, as members of the session and deacons shared their personal enthusiasm and where they are sensing shifts as we come out of the pandemic. “It’s good to feel like a team again,” one leader shared.

  • After worship on Sunday, as many of you responded to David Little’s credo in response to religious nationalism. Your passion for a different Christian voice, combined with your compassion for each other and for people who are often left out of national conversations resonated with enthusiasm.

  • As some of you gathered on Zoom in response to a call to respond to new neighbors in our region who are fleeing Afghanistan

Clergy friends share how their congregations are coming out of what feels like a hibernation over the last long months. It’s exciting to come out, and brings with it some re-learning of expectations, responsibilities, and how things happen. As we negotiate the details, we’re all re-learning. We want church re-entry to work for everyone and hope you will bring an added dose of patience and mutual forbearance as we figure out how to be together again.

The re-entry and re-learning process works when each of us is paying attention to our enthusiasm – to how God is working within us, where we find energy, what we care enough about to spend extra time or energy required to get ourselves here in person.

Honestly, if you come in sweats, that is OK! I want us to be a “come as you are” church, welcoming each other as we are, as a way of sharing that God welcomes each of us, all of who we are, just as we are. That’s some good news our larger community needs!

My question for you: where is your enthusiasm?

In other words, what part of church gives you energy right now? If you could spend one additional hour a week doing something related to your faith, what would you do? That is where your enthusiasm lives; that’s where God is doing something in you – and therefore in us. We need your enthusiasm for the sake of our shared ministry!

And then let me or others know about your enthusiasm! Are you hoping to get to know GWU students? Do you know someone in our area who would connect with conversations about public theology or want to support Afghan refugees? Interested in volunteering with our children as we get back to in-person Sunday School? Something new and entirely different?

As we move into this next phase of our life together, please let me or Pastor Irene or one of our elders or deacons know what you’re thinking, so that we can discover what God is doing in us!

Towards finding our enthusiasm, “God within,”



A Word from Laura: A Time to Grow


Session Notes: February 2022