Free Inquiry Class Welcomes Nora Leccese from the Office of Public Witness on Feb. 25


The Office of Public Witness (OPW) of Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) here in the nation’s capital has been the public policy ministry of our denomination since 1946.On Sunday, February 25 the Free Inquiry class is hosting OPW’s Associate for Domestic Poverty and Environmental Issues, Nora Leccese.  Ms. Leccese, on the OPW staff since 2015, will speak to the class about the work of OPW, its current legislative agenda including the federal budget and immigration and refugee policy, and upcoming initiatives around the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination and the Poor People’s Campaign.  There will also be time for questions and discussion about how faith informs advocacy in the public policy arena.All are welcome; please join us in Room 216 (large conference room on the 2nd floor) at 9:45 am.


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