Session Notes

Your Session sat for its regular monthly meeting this week (by Zoom, of course). 

2020 has been, shall we say, a challenging year, but we feel like we’re getting a handle on things. 

As is customary for the last meeting of the year, we approved the church budget for 2021. This budget is not substantially different from our previous budgets but for one thing. It is the first budget we’ve produced that reflects our intention to align the activities of the church with appropriate funding sources. 

At this point, the difference is more conceptual than numerical. But over time, the endowment will pay only costs related to our building, and we will rely on congregational giving to fund our missions, programs and benevolences. Currently, the endowment funds 100% of the former and 25% of the latter. 

Going forward, we hope you will see clearly that your pledge impacts our church's ministry. We believe our growth will come from your continued generosity and faithful commitment, and not our dependence on our investments."  

We'll have an opportunity to share more with you at our annual congregational meeting in January. 

That’s it for this month…and this year. Thanks for reading, and have a blessed Christmas!


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