Session and Staff Decisions: Regarding our Building

Western Friends,

In this phase of building usage, recognizing the need to ensure the health and safety of all who enter our space, the session and staff share the following decisions:

• Given our desire to remain a welcoming space for all, including those who are immunocompromised, the Session asks everyone in our shared public spaces to remain masked. This means that any consumption of food or drink other than seated communion should happen outdoors. Those leading worship are asked to remain masked except for when speaking at a social distance.

• After a recent event of unauthorized entry into the church garage, we are taking additional safety measures:

o The door from the garage to the elevator and stairwell will have a lock with the same key as other internal church doors. It will be opened on Sundays and during other church events.

o We strongly discourage parking in the garage outside of office hours or regularly scheduled events or appointments. If a member needs parking in the evening or when no one else is here, we request that you text our Building and Facilities Manager Sterling Thomas at 571-226-7508 regarding your vehicle, time frame and any other relevant information.

o We recommend that you pause after completely passing through the open garage door to ensure that it closes safely behind you.

Thank you for your cooperation and support to ensure the health and safety of all who pass through our doors! I hope to see you in-person soon!

Laura Cunningham


Guest Musician: Sean Burns


Guest Musician: Ariel Nathanson Bolinja