Response to Incident of Violence at Western

Dear Western Friends,

I write you with great sadness from the corner of 24thand G Streets to confirm an incident of violence yesterday afternoon.  As you may have heard in news reports, a manwas stabbed outside our 24th St. entrance just as Miriam’s Kitchenwas opening at 2:30 p.m. 

Thanks to immediate action from MK staff, first respondersarrived within minutes to care for the victim and apprehended the suspect inWashington Circle. As police closed down the entire block and therefore accessto the church, you would have been proud of both MK and Western staff as theyassisted police and worked to feed guests using the sanctuary side of thebuilding.

In the face of an ongoing investigation, you should know:

  1. Safety and security remain important to thestaff and leadership of both Western and Miriam’s Kitchen. As Western’sSession continued with its regular meeting last night, they requested that I bein touch with you to confirm not only the facts of what happened, but theirongoing commitment to everyone impacted by what happens in our building. In agathering this morning, MK CEO Scott Schenkelberg reaffirmed his owncommitment, reminding those present that it has been at least eleven yearssince any known violence with a weapon in the proximity of the church. In theevent of ongoing concerns, please be in touch with me or Sterling.
  2. The trauma related to this act of violencehas ripple effects.  I’ve watchedpeople come and go all day today, reminded of how many people are touched bywhat happens on this corner.  We remainin prayer for the victim and the suspect and those who love them, for theMiriam’s Kitchen and Western Church staffs, as well as for all who live, work,and study around this corner in Foggy Bottom. This incident particularlyhighlights the traumatic vulnerability of our neighbors experiencinghomelessness and the significant impact of shelter in sustaining life.
  3. The grace in response to trauma has rippleeffects, too. I’ve been touched by the response of our community andpresbytery reaching out in concern; the session moderator at NorthminsterPresbyterian Church let me know that they have been praying for us.
  4. Western Church remains a space for God’slife-giving, love-sharing Spirit.  Althoughour sacred space has been desecrated by an act of violence, we remain centeredin a God whose love is stronger than hate, whose light is stronger thandarkness, and whose life is stronger than death. I have been in conversationsregarding how other communities of faith have responded to acts of violence intheir midst.  We will act to reclaim ourwitness to God’s love and peace at work, not just for ourselves as a church,but as an invitation and on behalf of those impacted in our Foggy Bottomcommunity.

The church will keep you informed as appropriate.  In the meantime, I invite you to join me inprayer.  The following comes from our Bookof Common Worship:

For those present at a traumatic event:

God of the ages, you have always been faithful to your people.
Come to us now, we pray!
Give comfort and courage to those who are suffering.
Give strength and skill to those who are working to save and to heal.
Give us your peace that passes all understanding in these moments of shock and sorrow.
Open our eyes, hearts, and hands to the movements of your Spirit,
that we might be comforted and comfort others
in the name of Christ, our healer and our light.  Amen.

Grace andpeace – may you know them deeply,



Session Notes - January 2020


A Word from Laura: Why Baptism?