Session Notes: December

Your Session sat, by Zoom, for its last regular monthly meeting of 2021 this week.  We finalized two big undertakings – this year’s stewardship campaign and next year’s budget – and go into 2022 with optimism.  

As you’ll see elsewhere, we achieved our stewardship goal for member giving.  Thanks to your generosity, we’ve been able to weather the disruptions of the pandemic.  Recognition goes to our stewardship team of Elders Ari Brose, Jerry Hoganson and Becky Koenig. 

We also approved our 2022 budget that anticipates, over time, the return of most of our congregation to worshiping in-person in the sanctuary (it’s currently about two-thirds online).   

The budget is mostly in line with previous years.  Building costs are up, but these are offset by a larger cost-sharing with Miriam’s Kitchen.  There is a cost-of-living adjustment for the staff.  We still draw down more from our investment fund than what is sustainable, though not more than recent years. 

You’ll receive a more detailed readout at our annual congregational meeting in January. 

One last thing.  Pastor Laura reminded us that Presbyterian Relief Assistance is one of the agencies responding to the disaster in Kentucky and neighboring states.  PRA is also one of the beneficiaries of our One Great Hour of Sharing offering.  If you were considering a donation to the tornado victims, please consider OGHS in addition to your Christmas Joy Offering. 

That’s all for this month (and year).  As always, thanks for reading and have a blessed Christmas.  


A Word from Laura: Christmas Eve


A Word from Laura: House of Bread