Session Notes - August 2019


August is normally the Session’s month off, but we met earlier this week to address two timely matters.

2020 Goals

The first was consideration of Laura’s 2020 goals for our congregation, which are a part of her performance review with the personnel ministry. Looking ahead, Laura will continue to focus on growing the church – numerically, programmatically, and by engaging our faith.

You’ll see evidence of this beginning in September when we offer at least one other adult activity (besides choir practice and the Free Inquiry class) before or after church every week.

Of course, growing the church is not a responsibility that resides exclusively with the pastor. We are all obliged to do what we can as the Spirit leads us!

Laura’s other macro focus is an old and familiar one – bringing clarity and transparency (and hopefully, consensus) to how we manage our substantial endowment fund. A task force has been formed; look for more on this subject as the year goes on.

Plaza Update

The other topic before the Session this month was the Plaza Task Force’s report. The Plaza is the paved and landscaped area between the church’s main entrance and Virginia Avenue. There is a blind spot in the corner of this space outside our fence line that represents an acute safety and hygiene hazard. It is regularly used as a toilet and church staff has the daily chore of cleaning this area of human waste and detritus.

The only certain remedy involves additional fencing and a gate that can be locked after hours. It is not an ideal solution, but as one Session member observed, we already have fences and three other gates on our property.

Any fix is also expensive, and the Session is inclined to prioritize our financial investments towards people and programs versus bricks and mortar. Watch for a final decision on this next month.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading.


Welcome Guest Musician - Bob McDonald


Moving from Prayers to Action